Councillor Information

Important Dates for Chapter Councillors:

  • mid-October: Chapter Executive List due
  • late October: BCTLA Conference and Fall Council meeting
  • January: Annual Working & Learning Conditions survey begins
  • late April: Spring Council meeting, AGM and elections
  • late spring: Chapter Report is due
  • March 15: BCTLA Awards deadline
  • September 15: Grants deadline

Chapter Councillor Responsibilities:

(1) To attend two BCTLA Council Meetings; and if the situation should arise, any other special meeting called by the Executive Board (see BCTLA Constitution and By-laws). If the Chapter Councillor is unable to attend any of these meetings, it is incumbent upon their to send an official representative as an alternate to participate on their behalf. The BCTLA Council, composed of the Chapter Councillors and the Executive, is the key leadership body for BCTLA. NOTE: Funding for Chapter Councillors to the Spring Council meeting and AGM is dependent upon sufficient funds being available in the BCTLA budget.

(2) To notify the Coordinator, Chapters and Sections, of the name of its elected Chapter Councillor (s) and Executive Officers in advance of the first meeting of the BCTLA Council after their election. Send the information as part of your online Fall Council registration. Reimbursement for Council expenses is contingent upon receiving the information.

(3) To report to their constituents on the proceedings of the fall and spring BCTLA Council meetings and AGM. Chapter Councillors should disseminate this information to their Chapter Executive and members. Members are encouraged to review the business and news items of these meetings and convey any comments, suggestions, reactions, etc. to the BCTLA Executive Board through their Chapter Councillor.

(4) To promote BCTLA opportunities to their constituents, including but not limited to, professional development opportunities, and the opportunity to nominate individuals for awards and grants.

(5) To, in general, communicate any issues, comments, suggestions, reactions, etc. from their constituents to the BCTLA Executive Board. In particular, the communication of issues related to working and learning conditions helps BCTLA to help Chapters!

(6) To communicate revisions, amendments, etc., if any, of the local Chapter constitution and by-laws to the VP Chapter Relations.

(7) To encourage and ensure all Chapter Members complete the online Working and Learning Conditions Survey as announced, to receive and distribute the results of the survey back to Chapter Members before the requested date, and to forward any corrections or concerns to the Working and Learning Conditions Survey contact.

(8) To submit a Chapter Report as part of your online registration for the Spring Council meeting. Reimbursement for Council meeting expenses is contingent upon receiving the information.

BCTLA Executive Nominations:

Submit to the Past President (President in years when there is not a Past President) by the BCTLA AGM. Only members of the BCTLA may stand for office.

Minutes, Annual Reports and Templates

Chapter Councillor Handbook

BCTLA Chapter Councillor Handbook 2022-2023